Today we’re going to share 4 easy songs to play on electric guitar. All of these feature a simple structure and easy chords and are also fun to learn.
Besides, with each new song you can play, you will improve on different aspects of the instrument.
All of these are well-known pieces and each will increase your knowledge of chords and riffs.
We’d also like you to check out Roadie Coach. This fantastic tool easily attaches to your guitar and works in tandem with the app (Available on IOS & Android). You get personalized feedback to improve at a faster rate, while having a vast library of songs to learn from. Without further ado, here are the 4 easy songs to play on electric guitar
Iron Man – Black Sabbath
One of the ultimate rock anthems, from the band that is often credited with starting metal. This song features a timeless riff that will help you work on several aspects of your playing.
First, you’ll start working with power chords and understanding just how they fit together. Second, “Iron Man” is a fantastic song for developing rhythm chops from a very basic level.
Smoke On The Water – Deep Purple
Arguably one of the easiest and best songs to learn on electric guitar. “Smoke on the Water” will start developing your understanding of the fretboard, and give you a chance to work on how to change chords quickly.
This song is also a great start to learning how to play in time with other instruments, as well as a rockin’ and timeless rock anthem.
Creep – Radiohead
“Creep” is the song that catapulted Radiohead into stardom, and still their most successful single ever.
It is a great song for beginners to learn because it only features four chords that repeat in the same order at all times. In other words, there are no changes in the harmony and the form is very straightforward.
This song will also help you understand how to go from a major to a minor chord, an essential skill to have.
Come As You Are – Nirvana
A fantastic song to work on your single lines on the electric guitar. This is one of Nirvana’s most enduring songs, featuring a riff that is truly memorable.
Besides being easy and tons of fun, “Come As You Are” will also help you work on your understanding of form in music. Its main riff happens throughout the song in key spots and works in tandem with the power chords that happen right after.
Each of these 4 easy songs to play on electric guitar feature a unique challenge. From power chords and rhythm all the way to melody lines and riffs, you will be a stronger player once you learn them.
Besides helping you develop as a guitarist, these songs are also extremely popular, and you may even perform them live if you practice and keep at it. Remember to have fun in the process.