These easy guitar chords anyone can learn will open the door for you to play many popular songs. They are all open chords, which just means you don’t have to press down on all strings.
Although they are easy, it is important to understand that it will take some practice. This is not only to learn to play the chords themselves, but also to change from chord to chord. As a matter of fact, changing chords fast is a crucial part of guitar playing. With a bit of practicing, you will be playing all of these chords and using them in songs. So let’s tune up and get right to business. Without further ado, here are some easy guitar chords anyone can learn.
Em (E minor)
This is one of the easiest chords ever. It only involves two fingers and no uncomfortable stretches. To play Em, place your middle finger on the fifth string second fret and your ring finger on the fourth string second fret. This chord is played from the sixth string down. In other words, all the strings are played, with the bass of the chord being the low E. A very easy and quite popular chord used on countless songs.
C (C major)
The C chord is often the one most guitar players learn first. The reason it is not at the top of this list is because it involves three fingers, as opposed to Em two fingers. This is not to say that C is a hard chord, quite the contrary. It is another easy chord.
To play it, place your index finger on the second string first fret. Then place your middle finger on the fourth string second fret and ring finger on the fifth string third fret. C is played from the fifth string down, so the bass is on the A string.
Am (A minor)
Another beloved and extremely used minor chord! Best of all, Am is quite easy to play. Place your index finger on the second string first fret. Then place your middle finger on the fourth string second fret and ring finger on the third string second fret. This chord is also played from the fifth string down, just like C. Naturally, the bass on Am is the open A string.
Here’s a quick tip to help you tie chords together. The difference between C and Am is just one finger. Practice going from the C to Am. All you have to do is move your ring finger from the fifth string third fret to the fourth string second fret.
Dm (D minor)
To play Dm, place your index finger on the first string first fret. Then place your middle finger on the fourth string second fret and ring finger on the second string third fret. This chord is played from the fourth string down. In other words, avoid playing the sixth and fifth string on the Dm.
G (G major)
This one has a bit of a stretch that may feel awkward at the beginning. Hang in there and try it a few times. Remember to breathe and have some patience. To play it, place your index finger on the fifth string second fret. Then place your middle finger on the sixth string third fret and ring finger on the first string third fret.
G major is played with all strings and its bass is on the sixth string.
These easy guitar chords anyone can learn are a great place to start your guitar journey. Not only are these chords easy, but they also belong together. As a matter of fact they are used in countless songs of all genres and styles. Try our very own Roadie Coach to be your guide along the way and help you with your guitar practice. Take the time to learn these chords well, as you will be using them a lot. Remember to have fun!