Learning how to soundproof your music room is very important. It is also one of the most neglected issues when it comes to home studios. After all, soundproofing or treating your room is not as sexy as buying expensive microphones and gear.
However, no amount of expensive gear will make up for a poor acoustic environment. As a matter of fact, expensive gear will further reveal the acoustic deficiencies of your room. The good news is that there are economic ways to treat your room acoustically. Know this: in order to record or produce, you need to trust your acoustic environment. Here are four easy ways to soundproof your music room.
Cover all gaps
Sound is very good at escaping through gaps. Some common gaps in a room are located in windows, doors, and heating or cooling systems. For the windows, just place a thick curtain. Besides helping with sound leaking, drapes will also help easy the highly reflexive nature of windows. After all, you don’t want all that sound bouncing uncontrollably in your room.
For doors, you can use a door sweep to help reduce sound leakage. For the cooling and heating ducts, use a duct liner to reduce noise.
Control reflective surfaces
Besides leaking, sound also reflects. So it’s like water and the sun at the same time. Bad joke over, try to control or damp reflective surfaces. These may include hard surfaces like granite floors or tops, hardwood floors or even walls. Place a carpet or thick rug on the floor to help with sound reflection. A couch can also help with corners and walls. There are also many easy-to-use options that can be purchased online.
A popular way believed to ease sound reflections in a room among newbies is to use egg crates or mattresses. This does not work. I repeat, this will not help your room. It also makes it look quite ugly.
Pick your room wisely
If you only have one room, skip to the next point. However, if you have options, make sure you pick wisely. Do not set up your studio or rehearsal space in a room that shares a wall with your neighbor. Seems obvious, but for some it’s not. The same applies if you have a baby or a noise-sensitive spouse. Avoid setting up your music room right next to their room if possible. Avoid problems. You’re welcome.
Add a bass trap
A bass trap can really help damp the sound. As the name suggests, it is used mainly to control low-end frequencies, also known as bass frequencies. These frequencies can be quite annoying to your neighbors (and you), but a good bass trap will tame them well. Find out where your bass frequencies are accumulating and place the bass trap there. In case you are good with tools, you can also build your own bass trap.
These are four easy ways to soundproof your music room. With minimum effort you can make the most out of your space. This will make your practicing, recording, and even listening much more enjoyable. It will also save you from your neighbours, spouse’s or roomates’ complaints. And now, turn it all the way up and go have fun. Ok, maybe not all the way up. Do you have any other tips for soundproofing? Share them in the comment section below.