Is it really over?! Well, not quite! Roadie 3 is now available on Indiegogo with exclusive perks for a limited time!
For most of you, Roadie 3’s launch on Kickstarter on May 20, 2020, is not new news.
You’re probably also already familiar with how this campaign played out since we haven’t been able to keep any of the exciting milestones to ourselves! But here’s a recap in case you missed anything:
- We reached our initial crowdfunding goal in the first 10 minutes
- Raised over $210,000 in the first 24 hours
- Roadie 3 grabbed the attention of writers from big music & tech blogs such as New Atlas, Guitar Mag and Guitar World
- Kickstarter mentioned Roadie 3 as “A Project We Love”
- In the end, 3,547 Kickstarter backers pledged a whopping $378 902
Stretch Goals
Kickstarter allows you to create projects and set a funding goal in order to launch that project into reality. Stretch goals are additional goals beyond the funding goal. In return for hitting each stretch goal, we’re promising the below additional features:
Through our success on Kickstarter, we were able to reach 2 out of 5 of our stretch goals!
Roadie 3 now has the funds to include the auto-detect tuning feature AND a built-in tool that fixes your guitar intonation.
Indiegogo Campaign
For anyone feeling pretty bummed that they missed out on our Kickstarter campaign, Roadie 3 is now available on Indiegogo so pledge your support there!
We want to give a chance to those who missed our first campaign to get their hands on this amazing piece of tech (for an exclusive $20 discount off the retail price of $129!)
But not only that, with continued crowdfunding, you can help us reach all our stretch goals which will help us give you, our supporters, a product that is truly superior to any guitar tuner out there in the market.
We’ve already hit the $400k mark on Indiegogo which means chromatic tuner mode is now unlocked. That’s three stretch goals down, two to go! Add those to the amazing features already planned for the Roadie 3!
Can you help us hit $500k?
Have you already pledged your support?
And for those who already pledged their support, this will make the perfect gift idea for your musician buddies.
Or at least share the campaign with your friends and bandmates so that they can join in on the hype before it’s too late – these perks are available for a limited time only.
ON A FINAL NOTE, the Roadie team would like to thank you all for taking part in our journey of making musicians’ lives easier.