What do our 5 most popular articles of 2019 have in common? Nothing. That’s because we work really hard on making sure the content we develop for our readers is as diverse as the music world is.
Here’s a shortlist of what you guys loved most in 2019:
Blog Post #1 – 7 Famous Ukulele Songs That You Can Learn
Just like all good things, the affordable and compact ukulele has been making a comeback! And as an internet reliant society, we thought we’d address both these trends by rounding up our favorite songs to play on the Ukulele – and we found these all on Youtube.
I guess we really nailed this one for you guys. ‘7 famous ukulele songs that you can learn’ was by far the most loved article by our readers.
Blog Post #2 – 10 Best Guitar Apps of 2018
Our list of ‘10 Best Guitar Apps’ has you covered for all guitar needs we could think of. From apps that act as a substitute for an amp to apps for selling and buying second-hand gear. We were even impressed with this list – is there anything the app world hasn’t thought of?
Blog Post #3 – The 5 Most Covered Songs of All Time
You could argue that the most covered songs of all time are also the most loved songs of all. Why? Well, they say there’s no greater form of flattery than imitation.
As one of our most-read articles for 2019, it seems our readers found this list as interesting as we did. Would we still recognize these songs if it wasn’t for them being covered so many times?
Blog Post #4 – 6 of Today’s Best Fingerstyle Guitarists
We are so grateful for modern times giving us YouTube. How else would we deal with our need to watch these talented guitarists over and over again!
Take a look at this list if you haven’t already. You’re bound to recognize more than just a couple of songs played by ‘Today’s Best fingerstyle guitarists’.
Blog Post #5 – 7 Awesome Songs in Alternate Tuning
While standard tuning is most common, some of the most famous songs in history are played in alternate tuning and we listed out our top 7. With alternate tuning, creative possibilities are endless. However, the downside is they can be difficult to keep track of. Maybe if everyone had a Roadie, this list would be a whole lot longer
We released a Guitar App guide in 2018 and remains one of our best reads to date! If you’re interested, you can check it out here.