Top Five Remastered Albums
Nothing can make us travel back in time like music. We all remember those special songs that we heard in special moments. Songs and albums that touched our lives uniquely.
Nothing can make us travel back in time like music. We all remember those special songs that we heard in special moments. Songs and albums that touched our lives uniquely.
Guitar pedals are a dime a dozen. There are just so many types, variations, blends, and flavors. I could write an encyclopedia on guitar pedals available.
Guitarists are a dime a dozen. Unique guitarists are not. And then there are those who stand in the rarified air of having their unique guitar playing styles widely imitated.
Although the lockdown is slowly easing up in many parts of the world, we’re still not at the stage where we can all jump around and frolic in the wild. So how will you spend the last months and weeks of the quarantine?Continue reading
Picking the greatest musical moments in guitar history is almost impossible. Where do you even start? With the invention of the guitar?Continue reading
The COVID-19 pandemic is, fortunately, showing signs of slowing down. However, the lockdown still continues, which means you get to spend some quality time with your guitar. Continue reading
With COVID-19 keeping more of us at home, we’re all on the search for new ways to stay entertained and productive!
Nothing beats a great love song. And as we’ve covered in our article about Top Love Songs, music has been fostering connections between potential lovers and life-long partners forever.Continue reading
People who speak more than one language are impressive to all of us. And musicians that play more than one instrument are even more impressive.
We’ve rounded up the most expensive guitars in history. Part of their value lies in the fact that they were used by some of the most famous rockstars around.