An explosive start to the Roadie 3 Kickstarter launch
Roadie 3 has finally launched on Kickstarter in the most explosive way possible!
Roadie 3 has finally launched on Kickstarter in the most explosive way possible!
At times like these, it’s easy to forget that there are ailments out there other than COVID-19. That’s not to make light of the current situation but just being real.Continue reading
Why should you change your guitar strings? They’re not even broken!
The COVID-19 pandemic is, fortunately, showing signs of slowing down. However, the lockdown still continues, which means you get to spend some quality time with your guitar. Continue reading
Why would you look for uses for your old guitar? Surely it looks nice in and of itself? Well, as a guitarist, chances are that you’ll accumulate a lot of gear over the span of your career. Continue reading
We know you love the Roadie music blog. And maybe that’s all you know us for? But this time we’re here to share more than just great new content.Continue reading
So you’ve decided to become a guitar player. You’ve bought your first guitar, found a teacher, and even paid for the lessons. What now?
With COVID-19 keeping more of us at home, we’re all on the search for new ways to stay entertained and productive!
“Most professional musicians, in fact, continue to practice with a metronome throughout their careers.”
Below are 5 common tunings for the 3-string Cigar Box Guitar. If you would like to suggest others,Continue reading