Alternate Tuning: Everything You Need To Know
We’ve covered alternate tunings extensively on this blog, and recommended several great songs you can learn to play with new tunings. We’ve even written an entire ebook on it. Continue reading
We’ve covered alternate tunings extensively on this blog, and recommended several great songs you can learn to play with new tunings. We’ve even written an entire ebook on it. Continue reading
Lets’ face it – life is hard when you’re juggling a musical career with having a family of your own, especially so when you are first starting off on either front.Continue reading
Happy Father’s Day! Hopefully you’ve got a really cool present (like a Roadie 2) from your kids, Continue reading
So your daddy is a rockstar, and you have no idea what to get him for Father’s Day, besides your Continue reading
Tuning a 24 String Bass…How long does it take?!
For some people, it’s quite difficult to tune an instrument even with the use of a tuner. Continue reading
We all come across that foreign song we can’t get our minds off and really want to learn. Too often, we think to ourselves: “forget it, I’ll never get it right. I can’t even understand a word in that song” Continue reading
Making music is a reward in itself. But like many musicians, you’ve probably wondered how to promote your music and get people to listen to your music so they can recognize your genius.Continue reading
Band Industries, the makers of the Roadie automatic guitar tuners, are excited to announce the launch of their new free tuner app. Continue reading
Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with guitars, you still may be wondering how to tune a guitar perfectly. Continue reading
Drummers are loud people — let’s talk about it. I have to deal with a drummer who never calls in sick for rehearsals. He always shows up,Continue reading