Iconic Alternate Tunings You Need To Try
When you learn guitar, you sometimes hit a brick wall. You get sick of working on the same things, and find it harder and harder to get inspired.Continue reading
When you learn guitar, you sometimes hit a brick wall. You get sick of working on the same things, and find it harder and harder to get inspired.Continue reading
As every beginner guitarist will know, it takes some time for your fingers to become friends with the strings. Continue reading
Those windy-turny things near the top of your guitar that adjust the strings. Yah, those are your tuning pegs and you use them all the time to keep your instrument in tune.Continue reading
Promotion used to be something best left for professionals at a record label. Today the options for how to promote your music to new fans are wide open.Continue reading
One great way to learn more songs on the guitar is to listen for chord progressions. Fortunately, when it comes to modern pop music, there’s a surprisinglyContinue reading
Do you struggle to tune your guitar just the way you like it?Continue reading