Live performance is a very different beast than recording tunes in the comfort of your home or simply jamming with your friends.
You need to make a lasting impression, and so we turn to some of the most intense live bands for guidance.
Oddly enough, some of the best lasting impressions other rock bands have left involve fire. So make sure to add that to the band itinerary.
Also, make sure to get some insurance — you’ll need it.
Here are five Craziest Live Rock Concerts
#1 – The Germs
Fans getting tattoos of their favorite bands is nothing new. The Germs, however, had a more literalist interpretation of the term ‘brand loyalty.’
You might have heard of The Germs if you were into punk rock in the ’70s. The lead singer Darby Crash made a habit out of literally branding his most dedicated fans.
If you were lucky enough to get close to your hero, you could have ended up with a cigarette being stubbed out on your arm as a permanent reminder of the show.
Now that’s rock’n’roll.
#2 – Society 1
Hovering above the stage suspended in a harness is another industry-standard move that is part and parcel of every pop singer’s live performance set.
It’s not very metal, though.
What is metal, however, is hovering above the stage suspended in meat hooks that are inside your actual back meat.
Matt Zane, the lead singer of Society 1, is so enthusiastic about this idea that he does it on a regular basis.
Check it out below:
#3 – Boy Hits Car
Stage diving is another staple in the live rock band community. So much so that it has become increasingly more difficult for bands to outdo each other.
Boy Hits Car lead singer Craig Rondell wanted to make sure it would be a while before anyone else broke the record for highest stage dive.
He decided it would be a great idea to climb up 68 feet (equivalent to six stories) and then… dive.
Check one of the craziest concerts here:
#4 – Metallica
Sometimes live stage shows go wrong, no matter how much money and preparation has gone into them. Other times, live stage shows go wrong, no matter how much money and preparation has gone into them — because the band wants it to go wrong.
Metallica is one of the most dangerous bands, and they love making their fans feel unsafe. People have fallen from the ceilings, scaffolding and rigs have fallen along with them, and roadies have been set on fire trying to control the pyrotechnics.
It’s all very real, very fake, and very rock’n’roll.
Watch it here:
#5 – Rammstein
Rammstein is another band that loves setting things on fire. So much so that flamethrowers is part of their musical gear list.
Not content with lighting everything around them on fire, Rammstein members are known to lighting themselves on fire when the need arises.
Is there a show missing from our Craziest Live Rock Concerts list? Let us know down in the comments!